API Spec Q2 Certification

API Spec Q2 Certification Consulting services

API Q2 Certification

Verify your commitment to API quality with API Spec Q2 certification

At Vegas consulting, we specialize in assisting organizations in obtaining API Specification Q2 certification in the oil and gas service supply organization. Our experienced have helped organization to meet the API Q2 requirements ease and has reduced risk, Non-productive time and improved service quality & service design.

With our expertise and guidance, we will support organization throughout the process from gap analysis, documentation, implementations training, internal audit & correction action. Contact us today to learn more about our API Q2 consulting services and how we can assist you in obtaining API Specification Q2 certification.

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Our Process

How our API Consultancy process works


In this stage involves understanding the business process, requirements & in setting up a Goal.


This stage involves in determining & developing the documentation & plan and controls formation.


This implementation stage involves with how to maintaining records & formats for reviews & procedures,

Internal Audit

This stage involves with setting audit program and providing auditor training to the organization


This stage contains 3 rd party auditing for and preparing company and employees for API certification

For Organization

Questions to examine before applying API certification

The American Petroleum Institute offers a wide range of standards for oil and gas industries as well as quality registrations for various management systems. It is essential to understand the scope/categories and how can help your organization when deciding to apply for certification. Here are some questions to think about:

Invest in your future by improving your business. Our API Spec Q2 certification consulting has helped many clients achieving long-term success. We guarantee your management system to meet API Q2 certification requirements.

API Q2 Certification Consultation

API Q2 Certification for service supply organization

API Specification Q2 certification is typically obtained by organizations that provide services supply related to quality management systems for the oil and gas sector. This certification is specifically designed for service organization involved in the design, development, and delivery of services or use of service related product in process of service execution.

Who can apply for API Q2?

  • Well Services companies
  • Drilling contractors
  • Equipment manufacturers
  • Oil and gas operators
  • Well constructors
  • Equipment rental & maintenance companies
  • Inspection & testing services
  • Welding/Painting or Coating services etc.

Highlights of API Spec Q2, 2nd Edition

American Petroleum Institute was introduced and published API Q2 2nd edition on December 2019. The main objective of this standard is to develops best practices to ensure safety, reliability, and comprehensive approach to risk management, leadership commitment, competence, documentation, and continuous improvement in companies involved service supply in oil and gas industry. Some of the key highlights are

  • Risk-based approach for quality management
  • Expands on competence and training requirements for personnel.
  • Places greater emphasis on the management of documented information
  • Emphasizes performance monitoring, analysis, and continuous improvement.
API Q2 Certification

Setup Stages




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What makes us different

Using our compliance consulting solutions, our clients can meet regulatory requirements while optimizing their operations and enhancing their customer experiences. Compliance frameworks and risk management expertise allow us to provide tailored solutions that minimize risk, increase efficiency, and enhance customer trust.

API Q2 - 2nd Edition

Scope of API Q2 certification

API Q2 certification, 2nd Edition aimed at service supply organizations which provide equipment and services with the service responsibility remains with the supplier. API Q2 application does not set any limitation for the organization as it can also be used for service organizations involved in service exploration and production service providers servicing the oil and gas industry.

The API Q2 certification major controls for

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